Don’t Take Your Foot Off The Gas, Part 2

This week I interviewed Julie Burr, who is an agent partner on our team.  Last week she and I were talking about going into the fall and the rest of the year and she shared with me that she is going to do things differently this year, she’s not going to “take her foot off the gas.” Julie was my inspiration for this series, so I asked her to share some of her insights and reasons she said that with you all! 

Julie is just coming up on her 3rd year of selling real estate. She’s been very successful as a real estate agent.  Her first year she helped 27 families and sold $7.5 million in volume, her second year she helped 32 families sold $8.3 million in volume and so far this year she’s closed $10 million in volume and it’s only August! She wanted to note it was 17 families she's helped so far this year. 

So, why did Julie say she needs to do things differently this year? Sounds like she’s done really well… 

Her reason is that the last two years her January and February have been really slow and the first 3 months of this year she had no homes close until March.  That is a very stressful way to start the year. The crazy thing is that she didn’t feel like she took her foot off the gas in the fall, but her numbers showed that she did.  After analyzing her activities and her numbers she had some big realizations. (What I love most about this is that Julie was honest and accountable to her business. She was not a victim to the rates, the market, the lack of inventory, and her numbers show it.) 

1. She had a lot of unmotivated non urgent buyers and not a lot of sellers. 

2. Both years she had really busy summers and once the summer rush calmed down she was taking a break and turning off her lead gen without even realizing it. 

3. She was traveling every weekend in the fall to watch her son’s college football games- which is important; however,  when most of her business was coming from open houses, it was hurting her pipeline.

Once she realized what had happened she made a plan for ways that she can overcome the beginning of the year slow down in order to keep her business and income more consistent. Here are some of the things she will focus on:  

  • Learning ways she can take a rest and recharge without affecting the consistency of your business. 

  • Take planned breaks or trips and will be intentional with her time when she comes back. 

  • Will work on being mentally, emotionally, and physically present every day. 

  • Continue a positive perspective and enjoy lead gen 2-3 hours a day 4 days a week.  Focusing on coming from contribution and value to help people. 

She also shares with us what her lead generation plan and goals are for the rest of the year. 

Sometimes we don’t really realize we are pulling back from the most important income generating activities until your numbers show it. 

As always, we are here to help, encourage and support you! Feel free to call or text me anytime. And Julie Burr is also willing to share her experience just email her at


Let’s Build It Together-The Realtor Builder Relationship


Don’t Take Your Foot Off The Gas!