Let’s Talk: Marketing Events!
Our Team is highly focused on events that is why I partnered with Mindi Carr, our marketing director, to record this video to teach you about all things Events. Mindi has a tremendous background in marketing and has worked for various corporations including the Ritz Carlton and running her own marketing consulting firm. She shares her expert perspective on why real estate agents, solo or team, big or small, should absolutely incorporate events into their prospecting plan! You will love this interview -it's jam packed with tactical information you can use right away!
In this "training" interview we touch on the following:
Why should events be included in your marketing mix as an agent? 1. Events create an opportunity to connect with your current audience and your target audience.
2.They give you something to talk about.
3. Events allow you to create a personal and sustainable connection with your audience.
The three types of events are:
1. Educational Events
2. Networking Events
3. Sphere / Past Client Events/ VIP
Mindi also goes over some sample budgets for each type of event and shares some mindset shifts we all could use when thinking about what events to hold and why.